Hilo Milk
1. Urgency: If you are not tall enough between your friends, not confident with your height , you should drink Hilo.
2. Feasibility: If you are not drink Hilo you will not grow taller, you will get a mock from your friends
3. Mechanism: Two times a day, first when you wake up and before you sleep.
4. Solvency: Get taller, more active, there are many people will like you becouse you are tall and people will pay more attention to you.
5. Hidden / Lies: This Milk can not make you taller if you dont do exercise, eat properly and get enough sleep.
The Difference of Hilo than the other Milk is because this milk is low-fat milk, so that you can not easily fat unlike any other milk, its flavor is more delicious and Hilo has a famous take-line "Tubuh tuh ke atas bukan ke samping" so famous than with other milk brands, so people can easily remember about this milk
Nama : Tresna Utami
Kelas : 1SA08
Npm :16615931